ShopCoupons X Lazada Indonesia Blogger Competition
Hello Bloggers! in collaboration with Lazada Indonesia we are giving away RP 325.0000 worth of Lazada vouchers!
Write a post regarding the top 5 items you will purchase at Lazada Indonesia and email us your post link to [email protected] (If there is an issue sending in, send a message to our Facebook page)
The contest duration is from 8th of January till 3rd of February
Content language: English, Bahasa Indonesia
Minimum of 500 words
We will judge based on :
o Content
Is your content internet-friendly in terms of how you structure your post so that people will read?
o Creativity
Whether your content is interesting? Any images or video? Story telling? We do not limit the title of the post. It could be “Things I always wanted in Lazada Indonesia or even the story of how I started to shop at Lazada Indonesia” We will accept any creativity you have in mind!
o Originality
Content is fully unique and is done by you! No copy cat!
o Social sharing
We will increase the chance for those who share their own post on their Facebook and Twitter! (p.s we do check!) Remember to @shopcoupons!
There is no weight in the judging factors, we will judge based on the overall performance!
Read the full terms & condition here!
For Bahasa Indonesia check it out here!

Kompetisi Blogger Lebaran 2016!
on Tue 31st May 2016

5 Insprasi Fashion Items Untuk Hijaber
on Fri 22nd April 2016

7 Penjual Martabak Yang Lagi Hits di Jakarta
on Sat 26th March 2016